888-IS NICET (888-476-4238) toll free or 703-548-1518
Mon-Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. ET
24 hour voicemail will be returned as quickly as possible.
For TDD, NICET can be reached through your local relay center or though Virginia Relay Center TTY/PC Number 1-800-828-1120.
Questions by Department | Phone Option | |
Recertification: Cost, timing, CPD points | 2 | irecert@nicet.org |
Testing: Scheduling, Rescheduling, Test Dates, Scores | 3 | test@nicet.org |
Certification: Work Experience, Verification, Recommendation, Certification Status, Pending, Conditional Decision Letter (CDL) | 4 | evaluations@nicet.org |
Development: Program Development, Exam Content | 5 | tech@nicet.org |
Communications: All Other Inquiries, Marketing, Website, Logging In | 6 | cert@nicet.org |
NICET Tip Line |
The NICET Tip Line will assist NICET in protecting the integrity of its exams and issuance of certifications by reporting all suspicious activity, security concerns or suspected misconduct observed. Individuals reporting any suspicions or information will be protecting the credibility of all candidates who have appropriately demonstrated their abilities on the exam(s). Such suspicious activity would include:
Help protect the public and yourself by reporting potential breaches or irregularities in a detailed written account to NICET. Contact our Security Tip Line at security@nicet.org. All information shared will remain confidential, and NICET will not disclose your identity unless required by law. |
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