
Training... NICET- Recognized Training

“How do I get trained?” This is among the questions that NICET is asked most frequently. While no specific training is required before seeking or to maintain NICET certification, we believe that along with certification; developing a qualified workforce includes: education, recruiting, training, self-study and mentoring.

 To protect the integrity of the exams and certifications, NICET intentionally, does not provide training or review and endorse training to avoid any implication of teaching to the tests.  Any training that teaches best practices for the practice area will help with the NICET exams.

In an effort to assist customers in finding training sources, NICET has developed a “Recognized” Training Provider program. These training providers can include nonprofit industry associations that provide development and outreach support, independent training companies, college and universities, and technical schools. Each provider has agreed to a set of qualifying standards.

This issue of News from NICET features a few of them. We expect this list to grow in the coming months and will feature more Recognized Training Providers as they are added.