Now you can track your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points for recertification as you go in your online record. You can even upload supporting documentation. The process, timing, and points categories are the same. We will keep the record of the points and documents for you to add to or come back for reference at any time.
In addition to the following instructions, we also have a video “Walkthrough” on our Recertify Page.
If you haven’t accessed your online account since the launch of the new system you must reset your password. Do NOT “Create a New Profile”.
Once you are certified, your home screen in the portal will list the certifications you have earned, the time until expiration, and the CPD points you have claimed or earned. You may click “Manage your CPD” under Continuing Professional Development in the left side navigation or “90 CPD points” under Renewal Requirements in the main section that we call the certification card. Then click “Add CPD credits.”
Clicking “Add CPD credits” will open a box with a dropdown to select one of the CPD categories. When you choose a category, the box expands to a form to enter points and supporting information. It also provides a description and additional information.
Active Practitioner
If you work full-time at the same responsibility level or higher you may claim 72 points in the Active Practitioner category. If you are part-time or experienced periods of unemployment use the guide to claim the appropriate number of points.
To back the claim of Active Practitioner points, you must update the Work History section of your profile. There are links to your profile on your “Home” screen, where you add points for Active Practitioner, and during check out.
To add Work History, click “+ Add”. This opens the set of fields for your employment details. The bottom of this section contains a “+” symbol to add the percentage breakout, and detailed description for each subfield technical area for which work was performed in the time period. Click “+ Add” to add another time period.
Additional Education
Most people claim the remaining 18 CPD points in the Additional Education category under Informal courses in the Additional Education type dropdown list. One of hour of training is worth one CPD point.
Advance Profession
CPD stands for Continuing Professional Development so you may also claim points for giving back to the industry in the Advance Profession category.
Certification Activity
Keep in mind you may claim 90 points when you upgrade an existing certification. All you need to do is claim the points and make sure your Work History is up to date.
Recertification Exam
If you still need additional points, please contact us for help setting up a recertification exam. You can earn 45 CPD points by retaking and passing the exam/s for the subfield and level you hold.
Once you make the claim of 90 points and it is within 6 months of your recertification expiration “Submit Renewal” will appear on you home screen. You see your Work History and can enter it at this time if it is not up to date. If everything is complete click “Pay” and “Check out”.
After you complete the payment, NICET staff will review your CPD points claim to ensure they are valid and complete for the certifications you want to renew. Please allow at least two weeks for the review. The timeframe varies based on the volume of submissions ahead of you. It is best to submit early to provide ample time for review and to complete any requests for additional points and documentation if needed.
While we transition completely to online applications, we recognize that many candidates have applications in various stages of the process and submission methods. During this time NICET staff is committed to completing reviews in a timely manner and move as much of the process as we can to your portal. We appreciate your patience and cooperation.