
How to Cheat?

These days it seems like everyone cheats in one way or another. Mainstream media frequently cover stories about some type of cheating. Whether it is a car company and emission tests, paying someone to write a term paper, deflate gate, celebrity affairs, or some sort of voting scandal -- people cheat.

Usually these stories make the news when someone gets caught.  So, do you think about cheating on your NICET exam? We understand that the pressure to be NICET certified is increasing as jurisdictional requirements and employment incentives featuring NICET certification increase. But don’t risk it, you will get caught. Proctors and NICET staff are well trained to identify and prevent cheating when it happens. We are involved with various networks that update each other on cheating attempts and the new techniques cheaters are trying.  

The penalties are not worth the risk. When we catch someone cheating, their test results are obviously invalidated, the individual is banned from testing for some period of time, and any NICET certifications are suspended for a minimum of two years. In some cases, based on the evidence and the understood intent of the candidate, the individual could be banned from NICET for life.

Exams are not the only piece of the certification process where people might attempt to cheat. The experience documentation is a critical part of the certification requirements. Each section has a purpose intended to ensure that the applicant has met the industry established minimum qualifications. Exaggerations of duties and/or responsibilities, manipulations of timeframes, forged initials, etc. are treated with the same consequences as cheating on the exams.

Handling situations that involve cheating is one of the most difficult responsibilities NICET staff must deal with. However, we recognize its critical importance because cheating could lessen the value of certifications that are earned legitimately. Therefore, we will continue our vigilance to protect honest customers, and are thankful that incidents of cheating do not occur frequently.