certification programs

Certification Requirements

Level I

Level II

Level III

Level IV

Examination- Pass the:
Level I Exam Level I and II Exams Level I, II, and III Exams Level I, II, III, and IV Exams
Performance Verification- Obtain supervisor verification of:
All Level I Performance Measures All Levels I and II Performance Measures All Levels I, II, and III Performance Measures All Levels I, II, III, and IV Performance Measures
Work History- Provide complete, detailed position descriptions and time allocations showing*:

A minimum of 6 months of direct involvement in activities related to construction materials testing.

Of this 6 months:

  • At least 3 months must be full-time experience in the testing of concrete mixes and components
  • Up to 3 months may be in full-time experience in some combination of soils, asphalt and/or other related construction materials testing

A minimum of 24 months of direct involvement in activities related to construction materials testing.

Of this 24 months:

  • At least 12 months must be full-time experience in the testing of concrete mixes and components
  • Up to 12 months may be in full-time experience in some combination of soils, asphalt and/or other related construction materials testing

A minimum of 60 months of direct involvement in activities related to construction materials testing.

Of this 60 months:

  • At least 36 months must be full-time experience in the testing of concrete mixes and components.
  • Up to 24 months may be in full-time experience in some combination of soils, asphalt, and/or other related construction materials testing.

A minimum of 120 months of direct involvement in activities related to construction materials testing.

Of this 120 months:

  • At least 60 months must be full-time experience in the testing of concrete mixes and components.
  • Up to 60 months may be in full-time experience in some combination of soils, asphalt, and/or other related construction materials testing.
Personal Recommendation- Obtain recommendation ratings showing a capacity for:
(not required) (not required) Independent engineering technician responsibilities. Senior engineering technician responsibilities.
Major Project- Provide a detailed description of a major project and your role in it showing:
(not required) (not required) (not required) Senior responsibility for a concrete construction materials testing project of substantial complexity.

* Time requirements are full time equivalent.