certification programs

Construction Materials Testing Soils Performance Measures

Level I Performance Measures

Group “A”: All of the following must be verified. The candidate has repeatedly demonstrated an ability to:


Determine and wear personal protective equipment (PPE).


Attend safety training.


Inspect soils test equipment.


Identify unsafe conditions.


Apply job safety analyses.


Obtain soils samples.


Identify type of materials sampled.


Reduce soils sample to test size.


Dry the soils samples.


Determine the weight of the soil samples.


Process the soils samples through a sieve.


Moisture-condition the soils samples.


Identify type of material at field density test locations.


Perform assigned field density tests.


Perform Atterberg limit tests.


Perform Proctor tests.


Perform soils sieve analyses.


Perform soils (washed) -No. 200 sieve tests.


Perform moisture content tests.


Verify soils test equipment calibrations.

Group “B”: At least 8 of the following must be verified. The candidate has repeatedly demonstrated an ability to:


Relate plans to the field (e.g. find locations on plans and establish relative elevations).


Document soils sample locations.


Transport soils samples back to the laboratory.


Log soils samples or I.D. the samples for laboratory testing.


Identify where to take the field density tests.


Determine the number of field density tests.


Document field density test locations.


Document results of field density tests.


Document field density test limitations.


Inform client of presence.


Give verbal report of observations to supervisor.


Complete soils testing forms.


Level II Performance Measures

Group “A”: All of the following must be verified. The candidate has repeatedly demonstrated an ability to:


Determine density test method.


Perform particle size analyses.


Perform specific gravity tests.


Observe basic fill placement operations.


Observe basic shallow foundation installations.


Observe basic installations of deep foundations.


Observe proof-rolling.


Determine whether results meet specifications.


Perform verification/calibration of test equipment.

Group “B”: At least 10 of the following must be verified. The candidate has repeatedly demonstrated an ability to:


Relate plans to the field (e.g., find locations on plans, establish relative elevations).


Determine soils sampling locations.


Document soils sampling locations.


Determine number of required field density tests.


Document field density test locations.


Document field density test results.


Document field density test limitations.


Perform dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) tests.


Perform unconfined compressions.


Perform soils organic content tests.


Perform laboratory California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests.


Perform soils pH tests.


Perform testing for soil stabilization mix trials.


Perform shrinkage tests.


Perform R-Value tests.


Observe soil stabilization (e.g., cement, fly ash, lime).


Recognize suspect test results.


Prepare written reports for supervisors.


Give verbal reports to field representatives, consultants, and contractors.

Level III Performance Measures

Group “A”: All of the following must be verified. The candidate has repeatedly demonstrated an ability to:


Provide internal safety training


Prepare internal safety plans


Create a soils sampling program


Observe complex fill placements


Observe complex shallow foundations


Observe complex installations of deep foundations


Perform verification/calibration of soils testing equipment


Maintain verification/calibration documentation of soils testing equipment


Train Level I and II soils technicians on standards for testing procedures

Group “B”: At least 13 of the following must be verified. The candidate has repeatedly demonstrated an ability to:


Relate plans to field conditions (i.e., determine distances, locations, elevations)


Calculate quantities of material


Implement a soils sampling program (i.e., sample retrieval, documentation, processing)


Implement soils sampling preparation processes (i.e., drying, splitting, sieving, moisture conditioning)


Remold soil samples for specialized testing


Observe pile load tests


Perform soils field resistivity tests


Perform soils infiltration tests


Perform field CBR tests


Identify type of materials tested


Document assigned test limitations


Perform soils consolidation tests


Perform soils swell tests


Perform soils stabilization mix designs


Perform soils direct shear tests


Perform constant head permeability tests


Perform soils triaxial tests


Perform soils falling head permeability tests


Perform lab resistivity tests for soils


Perform soils expansion index tests


Perform soils resilient modulus tests


Perform plate bearing tests


Observe complex soil stabilization operations


Determine whether soils test results meet specifications


Identify suspect soils test data


Prepare soils test data sheets


Prepare preliminary soils reports for clients


Make preliminary interpretations of soils test and observation results


Level IV Performance Measures

Group “A”: All of the following must be verified. The candidate has repeatedly demonstrated an ability to:


Create a complex soils sampling program


Perform preliminary interpretations of test data


Create a record keeping system for equipment calibration/maintenance and technician training


Train Level I, II, and III technicians for field and laboratory testing


Verify and document technician proficiency

Group “B”: At least 8 of the following must be verified. The candidate has repeatedly demonstrated an ability to:


Lead internal safety meetings


Develop project budgets and estimates


Oversee sample preparation activities performed by Level I, II, or III technicians


Perform CBR with shear tests


Perform complex (high load) pile load tests


Calculate mix proportions for soils stabilization projects


Interpret soils test results


Prepare geotechnical reports


Resolve soils field problems


Troubleshoot and identify suspect soils test data


Create a quality systems documentation program


Approve outside vendors for equipment calibration


Schedule outside vendors for equipment calibration


Resolve communication and related work conflicts