As you may have heard, NICET is updating our Highway Construction Inspection (HCI) program.
As part of the Job Task Analysis, a panel of HCI subject matter experts (SMEs) recently met to analyze the work in Highway Construction Inspection. NICET wants to validate their work by surveying the population of individuals currently active in the Highway Construction Inspection field.
Your input will be used to validate the work of the expert panel and to update NICET's understanding of the specialty areas. Also, the survey results will be used to prioritize the content of the certification examination.
There are four surveys corresponding with the four Levels of HCI certification. Below, you will find the links to the surveys that were sent via email to current NICET HCI certified individuals. If you have already completed the survey(s) from the email, then please do not take the survey(s) again.
We thank you for helping NICET lay the foundation for this program.
HCI Level I - Job Analysis Survey
The candidate for NICET certification at Level I in Highway Construction Inspection should have the knowledge and experience to: Follow simple technical instructions from, provide assistance to, and learn inspection procedures and responsibilities from more experienced highway construction inspectors and engineers. Level I technicians have a minimum of 6 months of involvement in activities related to the inspection and testing of highway construction.
HCI Level II - Job Analysis Survey
The candidate for NICET certification at Level II in Highway Construction Inspection should have the knowledge and experience to: Inspect construction of basic earthwork, pavement, structural components, and incidentals; gather samples for material testing; recognize unsafe construction procedures and site conditions; inspect erosion control measures; understand basic project administration. Level II technicians have a minimum of 24 months (Level I minimum plus 18 additional months) of involvement in highway construction project inspection and related work.
HCI Level III - Job Analysis Survey
The candidate for NICET certification at Level III in Highway Construction Inspection should have the knowledge, experience and skills needed to interpret plans and specifications for surface and sub-surface work, pavements, drainage and pipes, structures, and materials (including field modifications). The candidate may also act as a supervisor on a project identifying differing site conditions, supervising a team of inspectors, documenting non-compliant work, and documenting work completed. Level III technicians have a minimum of 60 months of direct involvement in activities related to highway construction project inspection and associated activities.
HCI Level IV- Job Analysis Survey
The candidate for NICET certification at Level IV in Highway Construction Inspection should have the knowledge, experience and skills needed to review project plans and specifications, including required properties of asphalt, concrete, and other materials to identify potential problems; develop inspection strategies, schedules, and assignments; supervise / manage multiple inspection teams on major projects with considerable complexity; troubleshoot complex issues; evaluate the status of project schedule, budget, and contract requirements. Level IV technicians have a minimum of 120 months of direct involvement in activities related to highway construction project inspection and associated activities.
***NOTE: Please do not take these surveys more than once.***