certification programs

Certification Requirements

Level I

Level II

Examination - Pass the:
ITFAS Level I Exam OR FAS Level I and II Exams ITFAS Level I and II Exams OR FAS III and/or FAS IV Exams
Performance Verification - Obtain Supervisor verification of:
All ITFAS Level I Performance Measures All ITFAS Levels I and II Performance Measures
Work History - Provide complete, detailed position descriptions and time allocations showing*:

A minimum of 6 months of experience in the inspection and testing of fire alarm and suppression systems.  Of this 6 months:

  • A minimum of 2 months must be periodic/maintenance inspection and testing of fire alarm system.
  • A maximum of 4 months may be acceptance/commissioning of new testing of fire alarm systems.
  • A maximum of 2 months may be inspection and testing - for either acceptance or maintenance - of sprinkler or special hazards fire suppression systems.

The minimum required for Level I, plus a minimum of 12 additional months of experience in the inspection and testing of fire alarm and suppression systems. Of this additional 12 months:

  • A minimum of 4 months must be periodic/maintenance inspection and testing of complex** fire alarm systems.
  • A maximum of 8 months may be acceptance testing of complex** fire alarm systems.
  • A maximum of 3 months may be inspection and testing - for either - acceptance or maintenance - of sprinkler or special hazards, fire suppression systems.

*Time Periods are full time equivalents

**"Complex" as defined in the Level II Scope and Content Outline